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We need to change.
#biolabcollective #career #teacher Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it but is what’s new always best? We learn by reflecting on old mistakes, but re-tracing our steps also reveals hard-won wisdom from previous generations. If you’ve been a student or worked as a teacher any time in the last 2-3 years, you will be all too aware of how chaotic education has become. It’s precisely during these moments of instability though that we should look backwards to see how it will inform the future and what happens next. This video focus is from the teacher’s perspective - how all of us have adapted for different teaching approaches and delivery modes, and what we can learn from each of the 7 phases of university teaching over the past two decades. My name is Jack Wang, I’m a microbiologist, science teacher, and the 2020 Australian University Teacher of the year. You can find out more about my work at 0:00 Introduction 1:32 Phase 1 - if it ain't broke... 3:20 Phase 2 - The Tipping Point 5:02 Phase 3 - The Revolution will be Televised 6:54 Phase 4 - MOOCs, MOOCs, MOOCs 8:43 Phase 5 - Flipping the Script 10:42 Phase 6 - The Purge 12:23 Phase 7 - No Man's Land

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BioLab Collective with Jack Wang

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