Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre


The Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre is now open by appointment only. 

Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre (BARC) at Glendenning is the first custom-built rehoming centre of its kind in Australia. It is a modern, environment-friendly, welcoming and spacious facility based on best practice for animal holding and rehoming. 

Blacktown’s state of the art $30 million new BARC is able to house more dogs and cats and has the capacity to handle the requirements of Blacktown City and a number of other councils well into the future.

This is the first custom-built rehoming centre in Australia and has replaced Council’s 40-year old Animal Holding Facility in Blacktown.

About the Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre

The BARC, located at 20 Owen St, Glendenning, provides a new facility for Blacktown City Council to care for animals and a place for the community to visit and adopt animals.

The site is approximately 7km north-west of Blacktown Civic Centre and is located between Eastern Creek (and Western Sydney Parklands to the east), and an industrial estate to the west.

The Animal Rehoming Centre has been designed to improve animal assessment efficiency, reduce holding times, increase adoption rates and decrease euthanasia rates by providing each animal the maximum opportunity to rehabilitate and be adopted back out to the community.

BARC is the largest building of its type in the Southern Hemisphere, it is a one-stop shop for companion animals, providing housing for up to 135 dogs and 230 cats, with a large reception and adoption area, staff rooms, a cattery, kennels, vet support for the animals under its care, multipurpose function space, and large fenced exercise yards and walking tracks for dogs.