Gippsland Line Upgrade

Delivering improved train journeys and more services to the growing communities in Victoria’s east.

The Gippsland Line Upgrade will deliver more frequent and reliable train services to the growing communities of Gippsland.

This project will allow for extra daily services between Traralgon and Melbourne. It is also creating more than 500 jobs in the region.

4 upgraded stations

At Morwell, Bunyip, Longwarry and Traralgon

1 new bridge

Built over the Avon River at Stratford

500+ jobs being created

A local project office established in the Latrobe Valley

Train trevelling over a rail bridge

Complete: Avon River Bridge

The Gippsland Line Upgrade has already delivered benefits, with level crossing upgrades allowing modern VLocity trains to run to Bairnsdale for the first time.

Construction of a new rail bridge over the Avon River now allows trains to travel at up to 90km/h, no longer needing to slow to 10km/h in this section.

Learn more about the new bridge.

This project is being delivered in partnership with the Federal Government
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