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Myths and misconceptions about racism


About the campaign

Racism. It Stops With Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and take action to create change.

We are developing a new and stronger anti-racism campaign

This year we are transitioning away from the Australian Human Rights Commission’s long-standing anti-racism campaign, Racism. It Stops With Me

Based on learnings and insights from the previous campaign, we will be working with our supporters and stakeholders to develop a new stronger anti-racism campaign.

Find out more about the new campaign and how to get involved!

Find out more about the new campaign
Branding transition logo, decorative

Find out more about the campaign

Question Mark

About the campaign

Visit the About the Campaign section of the website to find out more about the Racism. It Stops With Me campaign, campaign projects, and resources available on this website. 

Graphic of three boys about to start running race, one boy's starting place is behind the others

Myths and Misconceptions about Racism

Building awareness and understanding about myths and misconceptions equips us to engage in conversations about racism and supports the development of our personal anti-racism practice and skillset.

Young black man looking to camera with campaign branding

Ask Yourself The Hard Questions

This campaign invites us to ask ourselves important questions about the role of racism in shaping society, the way we see ourselves and how we interact with one another. 

Commit to learning

What is racism?

To address racism in a meaningful way, we need to understand the different ways it operates and equip ourselves with the tools for action.

Learn more
Protest march. Sign reading "Black lives Matter" in Aboriginal flag colours

Take action

Find out what you can do to take action today

Work within your sphere of influence to create meaningful change.

Stop Asian Hate march, back of woman's head who is holding a sign that says "I am not a virus"

Responding to racism

If you witness or experience racism, you may want to report it, seek support, or support those who have been negatively impacted. This page provides some information on services and reporting mechanisms available.

A group of three women of colour stand together smiling

Being anti-racist

Develop skills to identify and challenge racism, and work within your sphere of influence to create meaningful change.

Image of three students side by side

Bystander action

Taking action against specific instances of racism is a powerful statement of support for the person targeted, and it can make the perpetrator think differently about their actions.

Featured resources

Racism. It Stops With Me is one of many campaigns and initiatives working to equip Australians to challenge racism. Our resource hub highlights resources and organisations that can help you develop your understanding of racism, and develop skills in anti-racism.


I have experienced racism

Experiencing racism can be distressing and traumatic. If you have experienced racism, you may want to seek support. Support may come from family, friends or people within your community. However, formal support services are also available.

Find support
Young First Nations woman looking intently at camera

Check out the Workplace Cultural Diversity Assessment Tool

Interracial group of people in a workshop discussing cultural diversity

Check out the Workplace Cultural Diversity Assessment Tool

The Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool is designed to help organisations measure themselves against good practice in workplace cultural diversity and anti-racism. It provides information and resources to help you strengthen your approach in these areas.

Log in / Register
Log in to your account if you have one, register for a new account if you don’t.

What’s new?

Find the latest news on the campaign, and other anti-racism initiatives in Australia