Professor of Economics, NYU Stern School of Business

- Robert Stansky Professor of Economics
- Toyota Motor Corp. Professor of Economics
- Faculty Fellow of Entertainment, Media and Technology
- Editor, Journal of Productivity Analysis
- Editor, Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
- Joined Stern in 1983
Econometric Analysis

Econometric Analysis has been the leading textbook for graduate econometrics in social science programs worldwide since 1990. It is also a major reference work for empirical research. Econometric Analysis ranked 34th with over 48,000 citations in Google Scholar's October 2014 Nature Journal list of the world's 100 all time most cited works. In 2022, with over 90,000 citations, Econometric Analysis is
the most cited work ever written by an economist.
Text Resources and Online Appendices
A short course in microeconometrics
Applied Econometrics: Critical Concepts in Economics

Following the positive reception of The Rise of Econometrics (2013) (978-0-415-61678-2), Routledge now announces a new collection bringing together the best that has been published on the practical application and functional use of economic metrics and measurements. With a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the assembled materials in their historical and intellectual context, Applied Econometrics is an essential work of reference. This fully indexed collection will be particularly useful as an indispensable database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. It will also be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar and sometimes overlooked texts. For researchers and students, as well as economic policy-makers, it is a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.
Applied Choice Analysis

Applied Choice Analysis is a standard reference for empirical choice modeling. Now in its second edition (2015).
"...this book should be required reading for anybody who carries out (or hopes to carry out) serious choice analysis. I cannot think of any choice study, including most of the ones in which I have participated, that could not be improved by following the practical advice given in this book. After years of teaching some of this material to economics graduate students, I have a mental list of 'stupid' mistakes that most of them will make. This book not only lists almost all of these mistakes, it carefully explains why they are mistakes and shows how to avoid them." - Journal of the American Statistical Association David Brownstone, University of California, Irvine
Modeling Ordered Choices: A Primer

Modeling Ordered Choices provides a relevant methodology for capturing the sources of influence that explain the choice made amongst a set of ordered alternatives. This book brings together contributions in ordered choice modeling from a number of disciplines and synthesizes developments over the last fifty years.
"An outstanding and timely resource on ordered-response choice modeling that takes readers through the history of such models, and develops a clear taxonomy to position the many generalizations and variants of the standard ordered-response model. Bill Greene and David Hensher have done a masterful job in navigating through, and weaving together, the maze of developments and applications in a diversity of fields. The objective perspectives of the literature provide rich guidance for both the researcher as well as the practitioner. This book is literally a one-stop reference resource on ordered-choice modeling that is at once comprehensive, lucid, insightful, and accessible. A 'must-have' in the bookshelves of anyone wanting to learn about and apply ordered-choice modeling techniques!" - Chandra Bhat, University of Texas, Austin
Maximum Simulated Likelihood

This volume is a collection of methodological developments and applications of simulation-based methods that were presented at a workshop at Louisiana State University in November, 2009. The first two papers are extensions of the GHK simulator: one reconsiders the computation of the probabilities in a discrete choice model while another example uses an adaptive version of sparse-grids integration (SGI) instead of simulation. Two studies are focused specifically on the methodology: the first compares the performance of the maximum-simulated likelihood (MSL) approach with a proposed composite marginal likelihood (CML) approach in multivariate ordered-response situations, while the second examines methods of testing for the presence of heterogeneity in the heterogeneity model. Further topics examined include: education savings accounts, parent contributions and education attainment; estimating the effect of exchange rate flexibility on financial account openness; estimating a fractional response model with a count endogenous regressor; and modelling and forecasting volatility in a bayesian approach.
Productivity and Inequality

The volume highlights the state-of-the-art knowledge (including data analysis) of productivity, inequality and efficiency analysis. It showcases a selection of the best papers from the 9th North American Productivity Workshop. These papers are relevant to academia, but also to public and private sectors in terms of the challenges that firms, financial institutions, governments, and individuals may face when dealing with economic and education related activities that lead to increase or decrease of productivity. The volume also aims to bring together ideas from different parts of the world about the challenges those local economies and institutions may face when changes in productivity are observed. These contributions focus on theoretical and empirical research in areas including productivity, production theory and efficiency measurement in economics, management science, operation research, public administration, and education.
The North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW) brings together academic scholars and practitioners in the field of productivity and efficiency analysis from all over the world, and this proceedings volume is a reflection of this mission. The papers in this volume also address general topics as education, health, energy, finance, agriculture, transport, utilities, and economic development, among others. The editors are comprised of the 2016 local organizers, program committee members, and celebrated guest conference speakers.
Productivity and Efficiency

This proceedings volume examines the state-of-the art of productivity and efficiency analysis and adds to the existing research by bringing together a selection of the best papers from the 8th North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). It also aims to analyze world-wide perspectives on challenges that local economies and institutions may face when changes in productivity are observed. The volume comprises of seventeen papers that deal with productivity measurement, productivity growth, dynamics of productivity change, measures of labor productivity, measures of technical efficiency in different sectors, frontier analysis, measures of performance, industry instability and spillover effects. These papers are relevant to academia, but also to public and private sectors in terms of the challenges firms, financial institutions, governments and individuals may face when dealing with economic and education related activities that lead to increase or decrease of productivity.
Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis

This Handbook takes an econometric approach to the foundations of economic performance analysis. The focus is on the measurement of efficiency, productivity, growth and performance. These concepts are commonly measured residually and difficult to quantify in practice. In real-life applications, efficiency and productivity estimates are often quite sensitive to the models used in the performance assessment and the methodological approaches adopted by the analysis. The Palgrave Handbook of Performance Analysis discusses the two basic techniques of performance measurement, deterministic benchmarking and stochastic benchmarking, in detail, and addresses the statistical techniques that connect them. All chapters include applications and explore topics ranging from the output/input ratio to productivity indexes and national statistics.
Econometric Software
Henry Kaufman Management Center
Department of Economics
44 West Fourth Street, 7-90
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-0876