Change the Logo on the Agent Browser UI

You can change the default logo that displays on the Agent Browser UI.

About this task

You can add a logo to the upper left corner of the Agent Browser UI to align with your organization's branding. Logos can be added to the Agent Browser UI by using the Configuration Settings editor on the Service Console to create custom configuration settings.
Note: We recommend using a transparent .png image but any image that can be rendered by a browser is supported.


  1. From the Service Console, click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Configuration Settings.
    The Search window opens.
  3. Click Search.
    The Configuration Settings editor opens.
  4. Click New and select Text on the ribbon.
    A new configuration setting opens on the content pane of the Configuration Settings editor. By default, the custom configuration setting name starts with CUSTOM_CFG_ and is automatically assigned to a Custom folder in the folder hierarchy.
    Tip: The same logo can display on both light and dark backgrounds but we recommend that you add both a light and a dark logo if there is not enough contrast between your logo when it's placed on light or dark backgrounds.
  5. To change the logo when the staff member's preference is set to dark grey or dark blue, enter CUSTOM_CFG_BUI_LOGO_IMAGE_URL in the Key field.
    1. Click the Type drop-down list and select the setting type. Site is the default and classifies the custom configuration setting is shared across all interfaces. Interface classifies the custom configuration setting as interface-specific only.
    2. Click the Required drop-down list and select whether the custom configuration setting is required. No is selected by default.
    3. Custom is the default folder. Leave this setting as it is.
    4. Enter the URL for the hosted image in the Default field. We recommend using a transparent .png image but any image that can be rendered by a browser is supported. The recommended aspect ratio for the image is 3:1.
    5. Enter a value in the Maximum Length field. We recommend 256.
    6. Click Save.
  6. To change the logo when the staff member's preference is set to vanilla or light blue, enter CUSTOM_CFG_BUI_LOGO_ALT_IMAGE_URL in the Key field.
    1. Click the Type drop-down list and select the setting type. Site is the default and classifies the custom configuration setting is shared across all interfaces. Interface classifies the custom configuration setting as interface-specific only.
    2. Click the Required drop-down list and select whether the custom configuration setting is required. No is selected by default.
    3. Custom is the default folder. Leave this setting as it is.
    4. Enter the URL for the hosted image in the Default field. We recommend using a transparent .png image but any image that can be rendered by a browser is supported. The recommended aspect ratio for the image is 3:1.
    5. Enter a value in the Maximum Length field. We recommend 256.
    6. Click Save.

What to do next

After you create and save the custom configuration settings, you must log out of the Agent Browser UI and log back in to see your changes.