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Article Number :KB0011287

How to book the crèche at ECU Sport and Fitness Centres


7.0 - Updated on 08-12-2023 by Belinda SOMERS

6.0 - Updated on 05-12-2023 by Belinda SOMERS

5.0 - Updated on 02-12-2023 by Belinda SOMERS

4.0 - Updated on 12-02-2023 by Belinda SOMERS

3.0 - Updated on 10-02-2022 by Suzanne MACKEITH

2.0 - Updated on 17-03-2021 by Robbie TOYE

1.0 - Authored on 12-03-2021 by Robbie TOYE

ECU gym members, staff and students can book the crèche at ECU Sport and Fitness Centre online

Online booking instructions

1. Connect to the online booking system. You will be given an option to create an account if you are new to ECU Sport & Fitness or login to your existing profile if you have used our services previously.
2. Select the relevant crèche service from the tab at the top of your screen
3. Click on 'Browse appointment schedule'
4. Select your date, day and time from the calendar and click the centre name. If your time is not showing on this screen you can update it on the following screen.
5. Follow prompts and check your booking is correct as you click through to the payment screen. 
6. Enter your payment details and review the 'Terms and Conditions'