
About Agsafe

Agsafe was established in 1993 as an industry-led non-profit organisation following a commitment to product stewardship by the Board of Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Association (now CropLife Australia), to ensure safe transport, storage and handling of agricultural and veterinary (AgVet) chemicals throughout the supply chain.

Agsafe was established to deliver the industry’s flagship stewardship programs. These are the Agsafe Member Services and Training program, the drumMUSTER and ChemClear® programs.

Agsafe’s leading Premises Assessment program assists AgVet reseller premises to understand their responsibilities around the safe transport, storage, handling of AgVet chemicals through the supply chain. Individuals are encouraged to become Agsafe members to benefit from expert advice on industry developments and regulatory requirements. More than 90% of the sector are currently Agsafe members – a real testament to providing more than three decades of critical service, training and education.

Agsafe business members whose premises meet the Agsafe Industry Standard for the safe transport; handling and storage of agricultural and veterinary chemicals are recognised as being an Agsafe Industry Standard supplier. There are several Industry bodies delivering quality assurance programs which require participants to demonstrate their commitment to product stewardship by purchasing AgVet chemicals from Agsafe Industry Standard suppliers.

drumMUSTER held its first AgVet chemical container collection at Gunnedah, NSW in 1999. The program has since collected more than 42 million cleaned containers, using 830 collection sites across the country. Drums are recycled and transformed into a range of products including wheelie bins, public furniture, construction materials and road markers.

ChemClear grew from the 2002 one-off ChemCollect program, which was steered by Federal and State Governments and the Industry Waste Reduction Scheme. ChemClear was established in 2003 to provide farmers with an ongoing avenue to dispose of AgVet chemicals safely and encourage the protection of land and waterways. The drumMUSTER and ChemClear programs also support AgVet chemical users in meeting their QA, farm, and environmental management responsibilities.
