

Applications for the Data Quest 2020 have now closed

Applications for the 2020 Data Quest have now closed. We have had an overwhelming response and are now in the process of reviewing  all applications. We expect to announce the final teams by the end of June or early July. To get the latest news about the Data Quest as it is released, sign up for our newsletter here.

Instructions for applications:

  1. Read through all the FAQs before submitting your application

  2. Watch one of the virtual briefings to strengthen your application here or at the bottom of this page.

  3. Ideally, apply as a minimum of two researchers and up to four researchers in a team. You can also apply as an individual.

  4. As the Data Quest will be a virtual program, applicants must be able to contribute during core hours which are likely to be ~ 09.00 - 17.00 AEST

  5. Teams are welcome from both Australia and New Zealand

  6. Apply by 08 June 2020 (AoE)

  7. Click on the button above to submit your application

The major requirements for applying to participate in the data quest included in the application form are:

  • Applicant resumes/CVs

  • Applicant/team references 

  • Participation and research interest (500 words)

  • Evidence of applicant/team work (300 words)


What sort of applicants are we looking for? 

The Data Quest research teams are PhD or post-doc level teams in AI, data science, or bushfires (or related sciences). Successful applicants and partial teams will be matched to form small (four-person) multi-disciplinary, complementary teams for the Data Quest. We carefully curate teams, balancing deep subject expertise, technical capacity and knowledge and abilities to work across disciplines.

Can whole or partial teams apply?

We expect to curate teams - filling gaps and matching skills - to create a bench of four researchers. Applicant teams should apply as a minimum of two and maximum of four researchers. At least two members of your team should have an already established working relationship and/or be able to show you have worked collaboratively together in the past. You can also apply as an individual.

Can I apply on my own?

As we expect to curate teams - filling gaps and matching skills - to create a bench of four researchers we are also encouraging individuals to apply. Try and focus on what you can bring to a team in your application to help us understand your skills and strengths better.

Can teams apply as both an AI/data science and bushfires team?

Over the four years running ML research sprints we have seen a shift as more researchers bring both ML and space science experience, we call these  hybrids. Nonetheless, hybrids normally have clear ‘lead’ knowledge and experience in ML/data science OR space science. We are asking teams to nominate themselves as one of four categories:

  • ML/AI/Data science only

  • Bushfires and related science only

  • Hybrid - ML lead and science 

It will not prejudice your application in any way whichever you choose. A frank self-assessment of the skills of the team is more important.

What should be included in the team reference and who can act as a reference?

Team references should be able to add more detail on your team’s experience, output and results. It should include details on how and how long the referee has known you. It can (but does not have to) include insights on how your team could contribute to the bushfires Data Quest. Ideally, your referee should know all the members of your team and at least one member of your team in an academic/professional setting. References should include contact details for referee on headed paper. If you are applying as an individual please add a reference from someone who knows you in an academic or professional setting.

If you are unable to provide a reference at application, apply anyway. We will ask you about references later.

What is a Data Quest and how is it different from a hack?

In August 2020, we will run an Australasian ML research sprint on the topic of Detecting and Responding to Bushfires.  Research will be focused on an intensive week long period of interdisciplinary work (7-14 August) with on ramp and off ramp shoulder periods to create the greatest chance of success and enable credible results and useful outcomes. The Data Quest format is based on machine learning (ML) technologies, rather than AJAX / Web or Arduino based technologies that characterise a traditional hackathon. The format acknowledges the complexity and high requirement for iteration in developing ML pipelines. One of the success factors for the Data Quest will lie in effectively understanding the most credible challenges the teams might tackle in this format over this kind of period with this kind of academic firepower and ensuing all of the required data is prepped and ingested in advance.

What are the dates of the 2020 Data Quest ? 

This year’s Data Quest is expected to take place over a week from 7 - 14 August 2020.  In addition, the Data Quest includes a 2 week discovery on ramp from 27 July 2020 and a closing  scale and deploy phase until 28 August 2020. We will require your full time commitment throughout the duration of the week and some contribution in the other phases.

Where does the Data Quest take place? 

Due to the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we expect limits on gatherings and extended face to face contact are likely to remain in place up to and over the period of the Data Quest.  The sprint will therefore operate virtually. We expect to orientate work around the Australian business day.

When do applications open and close?

Applications are now open.  The application deadline is 23:59 AoE on 08 June 2020.  We expect to be able to announce the Data Quest teams around the 22nd June. 

What are the benefits of participating in the Data Quest?

Individual researchers and their teams from other research sprints on which the Dataquest builds report a wide set of short and long term benefits of their participation. While this is the first year of the Data Quest in Australia and New Zealand, these are some of the benefits from other sprints:

  1. Opportunity to work on an exciting challenge, with direct relevance to your academic area of interest for the benefit of all humankind.

  2. Access to and support from leading experts in the field drawn from the academic, commercial, public and third sectors

  3. Access to cutting edge tools, technology, and datasets from program partners and sponsors

  4. Fast track to career enhancing work output and results 

  5. Track record of research teams sharing of results at leading academic conferences within both the space science (e.g. AGU/COSPAR) and machine learning arenas (e.g. AAAI NeurIPS)

  6. Access to a vibrant community of practice which is pushing the boundaries of both space domain and machine learning which for many people is maintained for many years after the formal close of the sprint

  7. Membership of a global network of peers dedicated to application of space data and machine learning for the good of all humankind

  8. Stepping stone/route to opportunities in partner organisations and top drawer tech and science institutions

  9. Financial support during the course of the Data Quest

Who can Apply for the Data Quest 2020?

As the Data Quest will be a virtual program, applicants must be able to contribute during core hours which are likely to be ~ 09.00 - 17.00 AEST

Can I apply if one or several members of our team are a non-Australia/New Zealand resident? 

As the Data Quest will involve co-working over a relatively short period, everyone involved will have to be available to work together during core Aus/NZ work hours.  

Do I need to put my own research on hold? 

During the Data Quest, teams work intensively on their projects and are expected to be present and active for the full duration.

I’m not sure if I meet all the criteria, should I still apply? 

Yes! We are looking for a diverse group of applicants, so we strongly encourage you to apply. That said, we expect to have many more applicants than available places, so bear in mind that Data Quest is primarily aimed at people currently undertaking PhD or postdoctoral research.

Do I have to pay to attend? 

No. Researchers do not have to pay any fees or make a financial contribution to join the Data Quest. All research members will receive a $1,000 (AUD) stipend towards living costs and expenses during the Dataquest.

Is it a full time commitment? 

Yes. The sprint is a full time commitment and beyond during the Data Quest week. We know that teams need to work really hard and really dynamically over the week to get great results. We nonetheless hope that in return, the Data Quest provides a special opportunity to work with globally recognised leaders in the field and produce career enhancing work into the future.

How are applicants evaluated?

Applications are assessed through multiple screens to assess technical ability, domain expertise, professional practice and ability to work in a multi-disciplinary, accelerated research environment