ReachOut before you freak out

ReachOut before you freak out

This resource is designed to facilitate classroom conversations and activities around normalising self-help and help-seeking for students in Years 11 and 12. It also examines how experiencing change and challenges is a normal part of growing up. It uses a series of personal, everyday stories from young people to show that things can improve, and that young people have the power to help themselves cope with whatever life throws at them.

These classroom activities are designed to promote critical thinking and problem solving in safe, respectful and connected classroom environments where students feel able to learn and ask questions.

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Thoughts about 'adulting'

‘Adulting’ is an informal term used to describe the stage in life when a young person becomes more responsible and grown-up in their behaviour and strives to be more independent. It’s an exciting but stressful time.


30 minutes

Friendships 101

Being a great friend to someone and knowing that your friends have your back is good for your wellbeing. Students will learn about the ups and downs of friendship, and how to be a good friend.


30 minutes

Life after school

Finishing school can be an exciting but stressful time for young people as they decide on which path to pursue into their future.


15 minutes

Communicating with parents

Knowing practical ways to communicate more effectively with parents can help a young person reach out during times of change or challenge.


30 minutes


Self-care strategies are a great way to help young people look after themselves, especially during times of change or challenge.


15 minutes

The future

Thinking about the future can cause mixed emotions in young people, ranging from excitement to anxiety.


30 minutes

What activities make you happy?

Students recognise different ways, like hobbies and activities, to look after their wellbeing.


5 minutes

Coping with Year 12 results

Students identify skills, strategies and supports they can use to cope with feelings of disappointment after receiving their final Year 12 results.


60 minutes