Signs of Prolonged Grief Disorder

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Prolonged grief disorder is defined by profound and debilitating feelings of loss. The condition has also been referred to as complicated, traumatic, chronic, or pathological grief. The hallmarks of prolonged grief include significant emotional distress and changes to a person's level of functioning. 

While grief is a natural and normal response to painful or traumatic events or losses, prolonged grief makes it challenging for a person to accept the reality of a loss and begin to move forward.

This article discusses prolonged grief disorder, as well as its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Grieving older woman with face in her hands

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What Is Prolonged Grief Disorder?

As a society, our experiences with grief are becoming more prevalent—so much so that the mental health community is adding prolonged grief disorder to the text revision of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-5), the American Psychiatric Association's handbook for mental health disorders.

Prolonged grief can be incapacitating. A person may:

  • Have intrusive thoughts
  • Feel preoccupied with the person or loss
  • Avoid reminders of the reality of the loss

Grief becomes complicated when we lose someone and continue to experience extreme longing or yearning for them, and it causes significant impairment in important areas of functioning. When a person's experience of grief extends beyond what is appropriate for their culture, religion, age, or social norms, prolonged grief disorder may be the reason.

Complicated grief can impact a person's life in a variety of ways. It can feel all-consuming and come to the surface many times a day. A person may start to notice issues at home, work, school, in their relationships, and their mental and physical well-being.

What Causes Prolonged Grief Disorder?

The circumstances by which we lose a person can contribute to the intense and long-lasting emotions of prolonged grief. Complicated grief may develop after situations such as:

  • An accident
  • A sudden or unexpected death
  • Loss of a child
  • Loss of a partner
  • Violent death
  • Suicide
  • Losing someone to COVID-19

When thinking about how we navigate grief, it's important to remember that every person handles loss in their own way. Some factors that may influence the grief process include culture, religion, age, or gender.

Symptoms of Prolonged Grief Disorder

Though a person may continue to think about and miss someone they've lost, grief responses generally begin to improve within six months. However, others may become preoccupied with the loss of their loved one, and these thoughts and feelings can disrupt their daily lives. This is when grief becomes complicated or prolonged. In these cases, a person may struggle to accept that the loss has occurred, be focused on their death, and have intense feelings of longing for the individual.

Prolonged grief disorder can be diagnosed when symptoms persist for more than 12 months after the passing of a loved one in adults and at least six months in children.

Symptoms associated with complicated grief include, but are not limited to:

  • Intense emotional pain related to the death (e.g., anger, sadness, helplessness)
  • A marked sense of disbelief about the death
  • Difficulty reintegrating or reconnecting with relationships and activities after the death
  • Emotional numbness
  • Struggling to find meaning in life
  • Intense feelings of loneliness or detachment from others
  • Identity disruption (e.g., feeling as if you've lost part of yourself) 

Grief may look different in children and adults. For example, adolescents and children may experience mood changes, sadness and fear, concern about losing others, and separation anxiety. 

Adults may experience social issues, feeling unable to accept the loss, drug or alcohol use, or suicidal thoughts.

Learning to take care of yourself as you grieve is essential. Prolonged grief has been linked to problems with sleep, cardiovascular disease, accidents, professional and interpersonal issues, and depression.

Help Is Available

If you or someone you love is struggling with complicated grief, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Diagnosing Prolonged Grief Disorder

Talking to a healthcare provider is a significant first step when dealing with grief. They will conduct an evaluation by asking about symptoms you're experiencing and how you're managing. This helps them get a sense of the issues at play and rule out other possible diagnoses, like post-traumatic stress disorder and depressive disorders. 

Your healthcare provider may consider prolonged grief disorder if your symptoms don't align with the criteria for other conditions. Prolonged grief disorder is diagnosed when a person reports intense longing and preoccupation with their loved one, and when significant disruptions in their daily functioning are present.

Anyone can experience prolonged grief. If you are struggling, getting professional support can be helpful. Your healthcare provider may share information or referrals to connect you with a mental health professional who can treat prolonged grief disorder.

An estimated 10% of adults who have lost someone will experience prolonged grief disorder.

Treating Prolonged Grief Disorder

Seeking help from a mental health professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and symptom management. A therapist can help you process your loss in a compassionate, safe, and non-judgmental environment and talk about how to improve your emotional well-being and functioning. 

Therapy for prolonged grief may include:

  • Talking about the death and processing related thoughts and feelings
  • Discussing positive memories of the person and your relationship
  • Working to address unresolved issues or problems
  • Developing emotional regulation and coping skills
  • Examining attachment and relationships

Before getting started with a therapist, you can take steps to make sure they are a good fit for you and your concerns. As you consider therapists, you can ask about their background, education, training, and experience with treating grief.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for many mental health conditions, and it involves exploring negative thought patterns to change unwanted thoughts and behavior. A study that examined the use of CBT and exposure techniques (repeated exposure to something that causes negative emotions) with grieving people found that these interventions helped reduce symptoms of grief and depression. Additionally, the participants noted an increase in their psychological well-being and social functioning.

One example of exposure therapy for prolonged tried disorder would be repeated exposure to the story of the death that occurred.

In addition to helping with grief, CBT can help with symptoms that might occur with prolonged grief disorder, such as insomnia. CBT for insomnia focuses on sleep hygiene, reframing thoughts about sleep, and controlling stimulating inputs before sleep.

Support Groups

Support groups can also be useful to those experiencing grief. This is especially true because bereaved people often experience a lack of social support, which these groups can help address.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Other psychotherapeutic approaches, such as psychodynamic psychotherapy, can also be effective. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy in which people explore patterns of thoughts and behaviors in their past as well as present.


Prolonged grief is a new DSM-5 diagnosis that refers to the preoccupation with a deceased person. This can lead to significant emotional distress and make it difficult to get through the day and function in important ways.

Seeking support from a healthcare provider and support system can help a grieving person develop coping skills and examine thoughts and feelings about their loss.

8 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  4. American Psychiatric Association. APA offers tips for understanding prolonged grief disorder.

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Image of a woman with a subtle smile posing with her chin resting on a closed hand

By Geralyn Dexter, PhD, LMHC
Dexter has a doctorate in psychology and is a licensed mental health counselor with a focus on suicidal ideation, self-harm, and mood disorders.