HTML Online
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The Best Free Online HTML Editor and Cleaner

This free online WYSIWYG HTML editor allows you edit your source code without downloading and installing any application. Guaranteed the best visual webpage builder with AI integration you can find out there!

html editor banner

Online HTML editing tools

Compose the perfect HTML source code online in your web browser without registration and without downloading any program, for Free!

Start the Editor

Generate HTML templates just like with CoffeCup, CKEditor or TinyMCE but this time see the source code changing with the editor! PSD and PDF converters are coming soon for PHP, ASP, Linux etc. with many examples for you to learn coding!

Convert almost any digital document format to a well-composed web article with just a few mouse clicks.

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... or browse our collection of HTML tips, tricks and tutorials.
Categories: Articles | CSS | Freebies | HTML | JavaScript | jQuery | Tools

Main Features

interactive connection

Interactive source editor

Access your visual content and source code next to each other and whichever you edit see the other change instantly in real time.

html cleaner

HTML Cleaning

Activate the desired cleaning options and turn your messy HTML to a nice and clean code. Once you try this you'll always use this to bulk edit your code.

Word to html

Word to HTML conversion

Copy and paste your documents in the visual editor and convert it to a clean web-friendly format. It works with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Google docs and almost anything you can imagine.

replace text

Find and Replace

The Find and Replace tool allows you to perform one or more text replacements in your HTML. This will be executed once you click the clean button and the cleaning options have been performed.


Lorem-Ipsum generator

Every web publisher might need a good gibberish text generator for his editor to fill the page until the live content takes its place.

html table div

Table to DIV conversion

Div tags are taking place of the classic tables in the age of responsive web design because they are easier to style and are not that limited. Convert your tables to structured <div>s.

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Wow, it’s really wonderful, after so much struggle, I found the solution for my problems. No doubt I found it the perfect editor available online. I always love to use it for the modifications for the product page of my website. Being new in the field of ecommerce, it has made my life and business easier and yes of course I will recommend it for all.Sergey, Call Tracking
I do a lot of HTML edit for my website, I used desktop programs, but I travel a lot and most of the time I take my ipad with me. So had hard time doing edits from ipad, and than I found Works great on ipad, and now I use it everywhere!Yaroslav
Just wanted to thank you for the online HTML editor. I have occasional need to produce things like email signatures, and you site does the job perfectly.
Tom, from
This is definitely one of the best free-to-use HTML editors out there.
Thanks for keeping this free to use for everyone, we use it all the time for easy-editing of our articles and guides about social media marketing!
Anna P.
Content Manager
This is *exactly* what I have been looking for!...
HTML Online, the best HTML editor! We used it to create a page on our website. We will definitely continue to use it. Highly recommend! Florian Berg
HTML Online is without a doubt the best HTML editor available online. EMUCoupon strongly recommends this tool to anyone that’s associated with eCommerce. We have used it to craft visually stunning pages. Our website will continue to utilize this tool for the foreseeable future.
I have been using the free HTML editor for modifying product page HTML from my suppliers' websites to place on our eCommerce platform. I thought it was about time I paid you for the great tool! I find it a very useful tool which has saved me a lot of time.Joh Legg, TheDebugStore
We love your editor and are wondering if we could embed it into our software for teachers to use when writing their student reports that the parents see. They often paste from Word and we really like how your editor handles that so we can get clean and good HTML.Ben Alexandra
I was working on my resume using your web site. Unfortunately, I made a mistake when I saved my file.I wonder if I can get my resume back in correct type and contents. My 3-half-hour workout has been gone because of my mistake and I am terribly awful.Peter Bucker

Why is this just perfect?

Here are a couple of reasons why we recommend the online HTML editor.


The editor is compatible with every major web browser without installing any program, extension or plugin. Just open it online and access all features instantly.


You are free to use the HTML editor without registration and login. Your content is never sent to the server so your confidential documents remain safe. We only use cookies for analytics and for saving your preferred settings.


We would like to keep this a free service. For this we ask for your support by donating, sharing in social media or linking to our website. Help others find this useful online tool.


We keep working eagerly on adding new features to this software. Stay connected to find our latest updates.

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How to Use the Online HTML Editor?

The best real-time online HTML editor with dynamic instant live visual preview, inline WYSIWYG editor and source cleaning features. Includes a HTML viewer, editor, compressor, beautifier and easy formatter. It's impossible to create invalid code with this tool.

The operation of this free online tool with built-in HTML cleaner is very intuitive and it's working in your web browser without installing any additional program. Compose your text using the WYSIWYG editor on the left and adjust formatting of the source code on the right. To convert Microsoft Word, PDF or any other rich-text documents to HTML, simply paste it in the visual editor. Perform bulk operations on the HTML code by clicking the Clean button after adjusting the settings.

Before you start composing the content for a live website I advise you to experiment with the features populating the work area with a demo text clicking the Quick Tour menu option.

The visual editor works like a regular text composer, just use the commands above the text area to adjust the content and in the meantime you'll notice the source editor changing with it. If you're familiar with HTML code composing then you can adjust the code on the right.

Being a free demonstration for the pro version, this tool has its limitations such as showing ads and having fewer options.

The Control Panel of the WYSIWYG Editor

The control panel above the HTML source editor lists the most important commands:

– Revert the text back to the state before the cleaning or execution of any other major event. The visual editor has its own Undo button.
– The fresh page command starts a new document. The same feature is listed below File / New document.
– Deleting the new lines from the HTML code you can compress the source code.
– Define replacement rules and execute them. Use the plus button to define new rules and the recycle bin to remove one.
– Fill the page with meaningless writing to fill gaps or experiment with the layout.
– Pick a color from the palette and use them with the easy Click and Copy feature. Save the active colors for later use or use the advanced color mixer by
– Activate automatic scroll. The two editors will scroll together when this option is enabled.
– Adjust the font size according to your preferences.
– Set up the cleaning options here. Your settings will not be lost when you leave the website. Click the header to select/disable all options.
– Execute all options that are checked in the settings (see gear icon above).

Div Table Styling

Make sure you apply the CSS code below when you publish tables converted to div elements. Try the interactive online table styler which can generate grids from both div and table elements.

Please note that the class names used by us are slightly different than the ones used by

									.divTableCell,.divTableHead{display:table-cell;padding:3px 10px;border:1px solid #999999}

Click and copy the code from the field below:

Other Important Features

Use these HTML editor features to practice and to maximize your coding efficiency.

  • Document converter
    To convert any visual document like Excel, PDF, Word to HTML just paste the doc in the visual editor and the markup will show up instantly on the right.
  • Online text editor
    Compose documents, just like in any rich text editor. Use the control panel to include images, tables, headings, lists and other items in your paper.
  • Copy - paste
    The editor won't allow you to save the documents. For this you have to copy your generated code into a blank text file, change its extension to .html and open it in a web browser. If you use a CMS, like Wordpress, then you have to copy the code in the back-end and publish the page/article.
  • Work with tables
    Using the WYSIWYG editor panel you can create a table of any dimmension with only 2 clicks. There's a cleaning option to convert them to structured and styled DIV tags.
  • Undo
    Both editors have this function which allows to revert back to a previous state if something goes wrong. For example, to restore the document before performing the cleaning.
  • Interactive demo
    Take a 4-step tour going through the features clicking the Quick Tour menu item. Learn how to use the redactor and experiment with the demo text.

Never forget!

  • Have a backup before using this tool to make sure you can revert
    back to your original document.
  • Always double check your code before publishing on a live website.
    Check the quality of the article.
  • This editor never saves or sends out your document, all operations
    are performed on client-side, on your local device.
  • Like most websites, we also use cookies to save your settings for your
    next visit, to collect anonymous visitor analytics and to show tailored ads.
  • Don't forget to bookmark this page Ctrl + D and share with your friends
    and colleagues.