Metro Sports Facility – Aquatic Sensory Experience

When Metro Sports Facility opens in 2022, it will be the largest aquatic and indoor recreation and leisure venue in New Zealand. It will include an Aquatic Sensory Experience. Let us know how you would like to use the space.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 17 August 2020 to 12 October 2020

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Artist’s impression of Aquatic Sensory Experience

The Aquatic Sensory Experience will be the first of its kind in the country!

The high-tech multi-sensory environment has been specially designed to cater for people of all ages and abilities to create opportunities and connections that enhance and contribute to wellbeing.

Multi-sensory spaces are known to significantly benefit people with disabilities.  This is because the design of the facility encourages fun, relaxation, intellectual activity, language and social skills in a fun and explorative way. 

Sensory stimulation can be controlled and matched to meet the needs of the individual where they have choice and control. This upholds a rights-based framework that values the lives of people with disabilities by encouraging full participation.


Aquatic sensory experience room layout

Aquatic Sensory Experience Key Features
Heated Pool Beach entry, 0.9m at the deep end
  Eight water features - fountains, misting spray and jets that can be activated by sensors/switches
Interactive features Bubble column with interactive water features
  'How Things Work' wall where the flow of water through pipes can be controlled 
  Interactive projector screen with video images
  Tactile wall panel relating to Canterbury area including fish, birds, rivers and mountains
  Ripple wall
Accessibility A fully accessible sensory room located on the ground floor of the new Metro Sports Facility
  Accessible changing rooms
  Wet wheelchairs
  26 disability parking spaces

Examples of the interactive features

These are sample images only, the final designs are currently being developed.

All prices for Metro Sports Facility are yet to be decided.

Find out more about Metro Sports Facility

The Southern Centre

Council already operates one multi-sensory space, the Southern Centre based at Pioneer Recreation & Sport Centre.

Information sessions

You are welcome to come talk to us at one of two drop-in sessions about how you can use the space before you send in your survey response. 

Information session 1

Location:  Boardroom at Beckenham Service Centre, 66 Colombo Street

Date: Friday 28 August

Time: 10.00 am to 12.00pm

If you’d prefer to make a time to meet with us individually, please email

Information session 2

Location: Boardroom at Fendalton Service Centre, Corner Clyde and Jeffreys Roads

Date: Tuesday 8 September

Time: 4.30pm to 6.00pm 

If you’d prefer to make a time to meet with us individually, please email

Date Stage
August Survey open for feedback
October Council staff consider survey responses
November Council staff give an update
2021 Bookings open for the Aquatic Sensory Experience
2022 Metro Sports Facility opens

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Who to contact

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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