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Apples to Oranges:

A comparison of the simulated and observed Universe

Scientific rationale

This workshop will bring simulators, theorists, and observers together to build stronger scientific comparisons between the simulated and observed Universe. As it becomes common place for observations and simulations to appear side by side in many research papers, it is critical to bring researchers together to demystify common analysis and simulation techniques. With an eye towards current (e.g. TNG, FIRE) and forthcoming (e.g. Genesis) generations of simulations, now is the time to capitalise on these significant investments and prepare for the future.

This workshop will focus on identifying where the combination of models and observations have the most power to constrain unanswered questions in astrophysics, as well those areas of greatest uncertainty. We will address these questions across a large range of physical scales from pc to Mpc by bringing together researchers with a track record of crossing the divide between theorists and observers.


Invited speakers


Blakesly Burkhart (Rutgers)

Mark Krumholz (ANU)

Jesse van de Sande (USyd)

Anna McLeod (Berkeley/Texas Tech)

Allison Noble (MIT)

Yannick Bahe (Leiden)

Chiaki Kobayashi (Hertfordshire)

Scientific Organizing Committee

Emily Wisnioski (ANU)

Trevor Mendel (ANU)

Jesse van de Sande (USyd)

Lilian Garratt-Smithson (ICRAR/UWA)

Tiantian Yuan (Swinburne)

Rob Bassett (Swinburne)

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