Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Legendary suspense series is a classic for a reason.
Classic Hitchcock horror masterpiece still thrills.
Classic Hitchcock horror film still gives the chills.
Hitchcock masterpiece stars peeping Jimmy Stewart.
Must-see Hitchcock thriller for any classic movie bug.
Witty Hitchcock thriller piles on suspense and innuendo.
Classic Hitchcock suspense, some drinking and smoking.
Classic Hitchcock thriller is tense but not graphic.
A riveting, rollicking Hitchcock suspense classic.
'60s Hitchcock spy movie has constant peril, violence.
Suspenseful but slow-moving Hitchcock thriller.
Excellent, but may be too long and moody for kids.
Hitchcock comedy thriller is tame old-school fun.
Classic nail-biter is a must for thriller fans.
Classic Hitchcock thriller has mature themes, sexual trauma.