Welcome to the home of Archdiocesan Ministries - previously known as Evangelisation Brisbane.
Same team, same mission, new name!

Archdiocese of Brisbane​

Acknowledgement of Country

The Archdiocese of Brisbane acknowledges the Traditional Custodians who have walked and cared for this land for thousands of years and their descendants who maintain their spiritual connection and traditions. We thank them for their continual cultural and spiritual connection to Country as expressed through their history, music, language, songs, art and dance.

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, North, South, East and West and reflect on the millions of footprints that travelled the Dreaming pathways and continue to walk this land.

Our Vision for Reconciliation

Our vision for reconciliation in the Archdiocese of Brisbane is to be a community in which there is mutual respect and deep solidarity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and those of us with differing heritage; a community committed to healing the hurts and wrongs of the past and being present in a spirit of mercy, love, justice, forgiveness and peace.

We want to be a Church, which recognises and respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultural traditions. We recognise their spiritual connection with Land and Sea. As we continue on this journey of reconciliation, we are committed to listening to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

What is a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)?

A Reconciliation Action Plan is a strategic document that outlines practical actions for achieving the Archdiocese of Brisbane’s vision for reconciliation. RAP commitments allow the Archdiocese of Brisbane to gain a deeper understanding of our sphere of influence and establish the best approaches to advance reconciliation.

A RAP focuses on strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and piloting strategies for further reconciliation commitments and to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Archdiocese of Brisbane.

We want to be a Church which recognises and respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultural traditions. We recognise their spiritual connection with Land and Sea. As we continue on this journey of reconciliation, we are committed to listening to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Why Have a Reconciliation Action Plan?

The Reconciliation Action Plan is a guide for all agencies, parishes and communities to build respective relationships with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples to gain an understanding and appreciation of the effects of racism (systemic and casual), to acknowledge historical impacts of colonialisation on contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and identify opportunities to build new pathways to address this through a series of activities and learning opportunities.

This is not about politics or ideology, it's about the gospel. So that in the power of the gospel, we can walk together the path of a genuine and lasting reconciliation.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

The Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2023 – 2025 was launched at the inaugural Archdiocese of Brisbane Reconciliation Dinner on Thursday 14 September 2023.

To use the Archdiocese of Brisbane RAP Artwork, please contact RAP Project Manager Joni McCourt for a copy of the artwork and style guide: mccourtj@bne.catholic.net.au

RAP Artwork - Artist Shara Delaney

Find out more about the Archdiocese of Brisbane artwork and artist here.

How do we implement the Archdiocese of Brisbane RAP?

  • Have a discussion with your Parish Priest and Parish Council – Contact the RAP Manager to meet with Parish Council and Parish Priest
  • Host a Parish information session/evening inviting the RAP Manager to provide information for the implementation of the Archdiocesan RAP and the benefits for your parish/community.
  • Establish a small Steering Committee to identify a process for membership of the working group and agree on frequency of meetings.

At the launch of the Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 – 2025, Archbishop Mark Coleridge emphatically stated “It’s not enough just to listen, although that’s crucial because it’s where it begins. Nor is it enough just to learn, nor is it even enough just to love unless the love becomes action… So, we commit ourselves to that action; the action which takes concrete shape in the reconciliation plan.”

To assist in this call to action, we have developed resources to assist and support parishes, communities and agencies in their journey towards reconciliation. The resources developed to support your commitment to reconciliation can be found in the RAP Toolkit .

RAP Toolkit

RAP Implementation Resources

Contact Us

For further information about the Archdiocese of Brisbane RAP or for support with the implementation of the Archdiocesan RAP in your parish, community or agency, please contact our RAP Manager via the details below:

Joni McCourt

Joni McCourt

Archdiocese of Brisbane
Reconciliation Action Plan Manager




07 3324 3440