Define and maintain high level setup elements for your organisation.
There are a few core elements you can define that control how you want Drive to manage certain schedule, creative and sales functions. As these are high level global settings, they're typically done just once, when your organisation first starts to use Drive. You'd rarely need to maintain these settings once you've set them up. If you need to make adjustments as your organisation evolves, it's quick and easy to do.
To access global settings setup, select the Admin module tab and under the Global heading, select Settings. The Settings window will pop up and you'll see five tabs to play with:
Select Cancel when you're finished viewing your settings or make your change(s) and then select Save.
Advertising tab
Of the global setting tabs, this one is the busiest; there are three main components:
back up handling; set a back up option for when you don't want to define a human or real branch.
schedule & recon; define schedule/recon timezones and a Give Away limit.
no voice clash; set default voices to use on your audio records.

Back Up Handling
You can setup a non-human user and a non-existent branch in Drive, then allocate them to be back up hoc system alerts roles where you don't want a human or real branch involved. These are ideal to use in these three back up handling fields:
Background Task User; search for and select the name of the user (usually a non-human) that will appear as the user who starts or creates any system processes. For example, generated contracts will have this user name in the Entered By column on the Contracts browse screen.
Network Branch; enter the name of the branch you want to use for the alert targets for non-local contracts. Select your branch from the list that appears.
Unassigned Alerts; when you setup a branch, you can leave any of the 6 work flow roles empty. If an alert is triggered for that branch and a work flow role isn't defined for that alert, it'll go to the user you define in Unassigned Alerts. Enter the name of the user you want to use then select them from the list that appears.
Schedule & Recon
To make it obvious on a spot laydown that a spot came from a Give Away or Make Good, you can setup a dedicated timezone for each of these. You can then use them in core settings in the Schedules module:
Max Give Away; to avoid excessive free spots to a small number of clients during scheduling, Drive has a limit on how many spots each eligible client receives for each time you action a Give Away. You can define that limit in this field.
Give Away Timezone; enter and then select the timezone you want to appear on a spot laydown for each Give Away spot allocated during scheduling. Give Away spots will only generate in a schedule's breaks if they have the same break type(s) as this timezone. Your level of access controls if you're able to select this timezone in a spot line and add spots to a spot line using this timezone.
Make Good Timezone; enter and then select the timezone you want to appear on a spot laydown for each Make Good spot allocated during recon.
No Voice Clash
A voice clash occurs during scheduling, where the same Main Voice on attached audio appears back-to-back in a spot block. Voice clashing is a key element to help make your commercials unique; there's nothing worse than hearing the same main voice back to back. It makes it easy for your scheduler to identify and manage the clash.
There might be situations where you don't want a voice clash to flag to your scheduler. You can setup two non-human staff and then allocate them to the two No Clash Voice options. Your creative team can use these when they create audio records that you don't want a voice clash triggered:
No Clash Voice; enter and then select the person that you can use as the Main Voice in audio records made for audio produced by your creative team. Audio records with this voice won't trigger a voice clash on a schedule.
No Clash Client Voice; enter and then select the person that you can use as the Main Voice in audio records made for externally provided audio. Audio records with this voice won't trigger a voice clash on a schedule.
Creative tab
There are three elements you can set up in this tab:
No Creative
Default Brief Scope
Unallocated Briefs Fallback User(s)

No Creative
When you place spots on your contract, a Brief Required exception triggers. This is a flag that there are spots on your contract that aren't covered by a brief. You can bypass this manually on the contract header when you select the check box No Creative.
If your organisation doesn't use our Creative module, you can have the No Creative check box ticked by default in every new contract.
Select the Creative tab then the No Creative check box and then Save to complete the change.
Default Brief Scope
Select the drop down field to locate and then choose the brief scope that you want to pre-populate on all new Compose briefs.
If you leave the default option of Select Brief Scope, that value pre-populates in the Scope field in all new Compose briefs. The field is mandatory and you'll be forced to select an actual scope to complete a new Compose brief.
You can set one of your organisation's scopes as your default, which pre-populates on all new Compose briefs. You can then change that default scope within a Compose brief if required.
Unallocated Briefs
When a brief uses a combination of type and/or scope and/or branch that doesn't match an existing brief allocation, that brief is unallocated. It won't be visible on any director's board and could be missed.
To capture any possible missed briefs, you can setup a single user or multiple users to receive any unallocated briefs on their director's board.
Start to enter the name of the user you want unallocated briefs to go to and then select them from the list that appears. Add as many users as you need.
Make sure that the user(s) you assign to Unallocated Briefs can access the director's creative board.
Sales tab
There are four elements you can set up in this tab:
Default Sales Channel
Airmail Sales Channel
Confirmation Terms & Conditions
Platform Types.

Default Sales Channel
Search for and select the sales channel that you want to pre-populate on all new contracts.
Airmail Sales Channel
Search for and select the sales channel that you want to pre-populate on all new contracts created via Airmail.
Terms & Conditions
Your organisation may have terms and conditions that need to be included with any commercial documentation. You can set these terms and conditions up so they're included at the bottom of every contract confirmation.
Select the free text field Contract Confirmation Terms and Conditions and enter your organisation's Terms & Conditions. Select the eye icon to preview how the layout will look.
When you run a contract confirmation on a proposal contract, it'll say Proposal Summary instead of Contract Confirmation.
Platform Types
Platforms are used in a commitment to capture any non-spot and other platform activity associated with your commitment’s value. There are five platform types. Not all of these line types will be applicable to your organisation; for example, you might not use the platform Print.
All platform types are shown under Platform Types with a ticked check box. When you don't want a platform type to be an available option, select its check box to un-tick it. That platform type is no longer available in a commitment.
When you de-select a platform type, any existing lines for that platform in a commitment become read only and you can’t add new lines for that platform.
Pricing tab
The rate card rate populates within a template commitment, a custom commitment's Agreed Rate lines and in any contract.
It generates from your organisation's rate card and takes into account any agency commission, loadings and network discounts. The rate card rate is read only.
By default, the rate card rate that populates will include any cents.
You can select the Round Rate Card Rate check box to round your rate card rates to full dollars, so they populate in commitments and contracts with no cent value.

Scheduling tab
There are four elements you can set up in this tab:
Kill Date Delay
Default Audio Playback Reference Range
Audio Storage Reference Template
Line Type Options.

Kill Date Delay
By default, an audio record's Kill Date is set with a 10 day delay after its End Date. The Kill Date is when the Audio Playback Reference (APR) is recycled; an APR is the number is a playout number from your on air system that audio is linked to.
You can adjust the Kill Date that defaults on your audio records to match your playout system kill date.
Select the Kill Date Delay field and enter the number of days you want your Kill Date to default to.
Default Audio Playback Reference Range
The Audio Playback Record (APR) field on an audio record determines the next available playout number to be allocated to that audio record, based on the APR Range you select.
By default, the value that pre-populates on all new audio records is Select APR Range. You can set one of your organisation's actual APR ranges as your default, which pre-populates as the APR Range value in all new audio records.
Audio Storage Reference Template
The Audio Storage Reference (ASR) field in an audio record is for the unique file name (also known as a key number) of the physical audio. You can manually enter a unique file name into the ASR field or use the wand icon to generate an ASR for you.
You can define how an ASR generates for your organisation, using any combination and length of an audio record’s code, duration, description, client name and client description. Select the check box of each audio record property you want to use for your organisation’s generated ASR.
Client Name; from the client’s record, this is their Trading name, otherwise it’s their Legal name.
Client Description; the client’s Description from their client record.
Client Branch; the branch code of the client specified on the audio record.
Length; the duration (as seconds) set on the audio record.
Code; the audio record’s number.
Description; the content in the audio record's Description field.
White Space Behavior; this drop down menu has three options you can choose from. Your choice controls what happens in a generated ASR to any white space that exists in a client’s name, client’s description or audio record description:
Maintain White Space; this is the default behaviour and spaces will appear.
Replace With Hyphens; a hyphen (-) appears instead of a space.
Remove White Space; spaces are removed.
Each audio record property you select appears below the Description check box in the order you select them. This is also the order the properties are used in a generated ASR.
You can re-arrange the order of your selected properties by dragging and dropping them.
The orange number field next to each selected property controls how many characters for that property will be used in the ASR.

For Client Name, Client Description and Description the quantity shown includes any spaces that exist in those fields.
Check that the combined character total of your set generated ASR is within the maximum number of characters allowed by your playout system
Line Type Options
Line types are used to control a spot’s placement in a commercial break. Based on your level of access, you can select a line type in the Line Type drop down field in a contract's spot lines, a template commitment's lines or in a custom commitment's agreed rate lines.
Including the default line type of Any, there are nine line types. Not all of these line types will be applicable to your organisation; for example, you might not use the line type Third.
All line types (excluding Any) are shown under Line Type Options with a ticked check box. When you don't want a line type to be an available option, select its check box to un-tick it. That line type is no longer available in the Line Type drop down box.
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