RW 2019

The 15th Reasoning Web Summer School

20-24 September 2019 - Bolzano, Italy

Explainable AI

Artificial Intelligence has become the defining technology of our time. Impressive and effective though it may be, it often defies our understanding, and hence our control. Nevertheless, today’s main concern is not that AI might become too smart – it is far from it – but that it often surprises us by being dangerously dumb, prejudiced, credulous, or unreliable. Fortunately, AI is an extremely rich research area, which keeps developing in many different directions that outline ways of constructing intelligent systems that can be understood, validated, and controlled.

The 15th Reasoning Web Summer School brings together leading AI researchers who will share their ideas and knowledge about how to make AI more explainable. The school is a five-day intensive training course that interleaves lectures and hands-on sessions. Participants learn about exciting new methods and technologies, and at the same time get to know their peers and senior researchers in their area.


RW 2019 is aimed at a wide audience of young post-graduate researches, most typically early-stage Ph.D. candidates, but also advanced Master students and more senior Ph.D. candidates and PostDocs who want to deepen their knowledge. Although no specific background knowledge is required for attending the summer school, basics of knowledge representation and reasoning will be helpful for benefiting from the contents of school. Students are also committed to a full participation for the whole duration of the school. Details on how to apply to the school can be found on the registration page.

The summer school takes place in the beautiful city of Bolzano amid the spectacular scenery of the South Tyrolian Alps. Participants can experience the special flair of a place where Italian and German-Austrian influences come together in a unique cultural mix, with a rich history that spans from Roman times through the middle ages up until modern day, all embedded into the lush nature of its breathtaking environment.

BRAIN 2019

RW 2019 is part of BRAIN 2019, the Bolzano Rules and Artificial Intelligence Summit. With its special focus theme on "Beneficial AI", BRAIN 2019 brings together the 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019), DecisionCAMP 2019, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2019) and The 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019).


20 September 2019 The slides of each course will be linked in the Program page as they become available >>

20 September 2019 The proceedings can be downloaded by following the link in the Proceedings section >>

4 September 2019 More info about the RW social events and the voluntary excursion >>

6 August 2019 The program is online >>

6 August 2019 The late application deadline was extended >>