Powerhouse Museum/Climate change survey
Hi there! We are a group of students from the University of Sydney looking to research people’s attitudes on climate action/the powerhouse museum. If you would be able to take 3 minutes out of your day to participate in this short online survey it would be greatly appreciated. All responses collected will be anonymous.
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How old are you?
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Have you been to the Powerhouse Museum Ultimo with the last 3 years? *
If you haven’t attended the Powerhouse Museum in the last 3 years, could you provide a reason why:
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Would you be more likely to visit the Powerhouse Museum if there were digital exhibitions, which include scents you can smell, objects you can feel, audio you can here, and visuals such as pictured below: *
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How confident do you feel with taking action against climate change in your daily life, as an individual? *
Would you be more likely to visit the Powerhouse Museum if you could learn about realistic and easy actions you could take to stop climate change?

An example of this is:
Tracking your gas consumption in your home with a smartphone app.
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