Advanced Certification - Enrolment and Cancellation Policy

Enrolment conditions 

By enrolling in an Advanced Certification subject you give permission for UTS to provide my results to ARITA and all your work will be checked for collusion/plagiarism.  

A signed copy of the policies and declaration form must be returned to ARITA before your subject begins. Failure to return the signed document before the due date with incur a $100 late fee.

Please note: while completion of the ARITA Advanced Certification is a pre-requisite for ARITA Professional membership, completion by itself does not guarantee you will be accepted as an ARITA Professional Member at any time in the future. Check the Membership categories and requirements for more information.

Withdrawing from an ARITA Advanced Certification subject

To withdraw your enrolment you must notify the UTS Short Course office in writing, providing a brief reason for your withdrawal. Please email [email protected].
You may formally request withdrawal from an ARITA subject up until 5pm Sydney-time on the day prior to the due date of the final written assessment task.
A written request to withdraw received by any other office at UTS or ARITA will not be accepted as a formal application to withdraw from enrolment.

Refund policy

The refund policy for withdrawing from subjects is:
More than 15 business days before commencement of the subject – full refund.
Within 1 and 15 business days before commencement of the subject – 80% refund.
Less than 1 business day prior to the commencement of the subject, or after commencement of the subject – no refund.

Please note: Deferral of enrolment is not offered for any subject of the ARITA Advanced Certification course.

ARITA Student Subscription

The ARITA Student Subscription fee is non-refundable and non-transferable in the event of cancellation.