Webinar - Applied AI Ethics: ethical issues with AI at work, in healthcare, and beyond

Wednesday, 21 July 2021
9.30am - 2.30pm (AEST)

Artificially Intelligent (AI) systems are increasingly being used in the domains of human resource management and healthcare to make important decisions, such as who gets hired for a job or diagnosed with skin cancer. Such decisions raise important ethical and political concerns around respectful and fair treatment. This one-day workshop, hosted by the Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE) at Macquarie University, will explore these and related issues. The workshop will be of interest to anyone interested in exploring the ethical implications of the increasing use of AI in society.

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9.30 - 9.35 am
Welcome - A/Prof Paul Formosa, Director of CAVE.
9:35 - 10:15 am “Machine intelligence in the workplace: a critical review of recent literature”. Prof Jean-Philippe Deranty and Thomas Corbin, Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University
10:15 - 10:55 am “Slaves to the algorithms? Algocracy and Republican liberty”. Prof Robert Sparrow, Department of Philosophy, Monash University
10:55 - 11:35 am  “AI decision-making and dehumanisation. Examining responses to the use of AI in workplace and healthcare contexts”. A/Prof Paul Formosa and Dr Sarah Bankins. Department of Philosophy and Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University.
1:00 - 1:40 pm
“Engaging empirically with the ethics of AI-enabled healthcare work”.
Dr Yves Aquino & Prof Stacy Carter, Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values, University of Wollongong.
1.40 - 2.20 pm “AI and healthcare: future directions and challenges”. Prof Wendy A Rogers, Department of Philosophy and Department of Clinical Medicine, Macquarie University
2.20 - 2.30 pm Concluding remarks