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Around 1 in 12 of all WA children and young people have some form of disability.

In many ways, children and young people with disability have the same views as the majority of children and young people in Western Australia. They also have a disability. In some cases this affects their communication, coordination, senses, thinking processes or mobility. Their disability is just one part of their life however – they want to be known for who they are, as a person with abilities, talent and potential.

It is vital for children and young people with disability to be appropriately supported so they are able to play a positive and fulfilling role in the community.

For up to date information refer to the Commissioner's Indicators of Wellbeing data resource.


Speaking out about autism

The views of WA children and young people with autism.

Speaking out about disability

Policy briefs

Children and young people with disability

Developed from the Commissioner's 2011 Mental Health Inquiry


General submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

The Commissioner made a second submission to the Disability Royal Commission focused on the experiences and rights of children and young people with disability.

Submission to the Disability Royal Commission - response to issues paper - violence and abuse at home, March 2021

The Commissioner made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission - response to issues paper - violence and abuse at home

Submission to Disability Strategy Taskforce - Review Disability Standards for Education, September 2020

Submission to Disability Strategy Taskforce - Review Disability Standards for Education

Submission to the Department of Social Services - feedback on National Disability Strategy Position Paper, September 2020

Submission to the Department of Social Services - feedback on National Disability Strategy Position Paper


Involving children with disability seminar 2013

The Involving children with disability seminar was held on 28 November 2013 to support organisations’ meaningful inclusion of children and young people with disability in their work and decision making.

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