Preventing the mental health burden experienced by families 

Ensuring that children in Australia have the best start in life involves providing equitable access to quality services and support for families. Family adversity can have a significant impact on a child's health and wellbeing, therefore a multi-sectoral approach is necessary to intervene and prevent issues early. Studies show that children who face challenges or adversities in childhood are more likely to develop mental health problems later in life.

Child and Family Hubs are becoming increasingly popular in Australia, with different models being developed to integrate health, social care, and legal support. These hubs aim to promote fair access to quality services and support for children and families. This website explores what Child and Family Hubs are, the evidence supporting them, and identifies core components of these hubs based on research from our Australian Centre of Research Excellence and around the world.

Key Facts 

  • Children who experience challenges or adversities during their childhood are 6-10 times more likely to develop mental health problems later on in life.
  • Previous research has shown that approximately 30% of all mental disorders are attributed to adverse childhood events (ACEs), including 30% of anxiety disorder cases, 40% of depression cases, and 67% of lifetime suicide attempts.
  • Integrated care initiatives can increase uptake and ongoing engagement with child health services hence improve child mental health outcomes.

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